

在河景注册的学生是 温柔, 友好的, 种类, 天真的 面对复杂的学习挑战. They thrive here as they experience various adolescent and young adult academic, 课外, 还有社会追求.

河景 students have life-changing experiences in an environment that is designed to embrace them completely. 他们交朋友. 他们获得了一种与他人联系的深刻感觉. 自尊的繁荣. 学生们变得有弹性并重新定义自己. 他们有自己的风格.

买足彩app平台,我们相信每个孩子的潜力. 河景镇是学生的归宿, where they develop the tools and skills necessary to become all they can be.

河景 has a long standing commitment to neurodiversity and continues to enroll students who are neurodivergent. Our curriculum supports a variety of children and young adults who learn differently.



买足彩app平台 places a great deal of importance on the appropriateness of a candidate’s total application, 每个年级和宿舍的空缺人数, in ensuring a good fit between the applicant and students who are currently enrolled.

河景 has a long standing commitment to neurodiversity and continues to enroll students who are neurodivergent. Our curriculum supports a variety of children and young adults who learn differently.

If your child meets the following criteria, they may be a candidate for 河景:

  • 被描述为温柔、友好、善良和天真

  • 诊断为语言、学习和认知障碍

  • 渴望交朋友,并对与他人建立关系感兴趣

  • Seeks 社会 and extracurricular opportunities such as playing on sports teams, 参加舞蹈, 参与戏剧, 音乐, 艺术与学生会

  • 对有组织的、支持性的、可预测的环境反应良好

  • 能够在学术环境中取得更大的成功

  • 是否已掌握基本的日常生活技巧及个人卫生及自我护理

  • 轻微的医疗问题使日常活动复杂化,但不会影响日常活动

  • IQ and Achievement scores between 65–90 or functional abilities within that range (many times there is great variability)

请注意: 学生们正在展示一段情感的历史, 行为, 精神疾病, 或者需要一个治疗环境, 不能被考虑吗.

如果您认为河景可能适合您的孩子,请填写 调查形式 如果有任何问题,请打电话给我们.


买足彩app平台, 一所独立的男女同校寄宿/走读学校, provides a caring community for adolescents and young adults with complex langu年龄, 学习和认知障碍. The School is committed to developing student competence and confidence in academic, 社交和独立生活能力.

买足彩app平台 values each student as an individual and acknowledges the importance of students having a voice in the development of their goals, 程序, 和指令. 家庭同样发挥着至关重要的作用, particularly in supporting students who need assistance in expressing their needs, 欲望, 和偏好. 符合河景的使命和全人理念, the School is committed to offering interventions and identifying strengths that empower students to increase their skills in the core competencies of education, 社会/情感, 独立生活, 健康, 职业准备. The overall goal is for the 河景’s graduates to possess the skills that will offer the highest degree of access to a fulfilling life. 河景致力于个性化编程, 在可能的情况下,对学生和家庭的意愿保持敏感, 并提供合理的住宿,以配合其整体方法, 哲学, 和程序. 河景 also recognizes its role in promoting acceptance and building awareness of the valuable contributions people with unique needs can make to the greater community.


买足彩app平台 believes that students with learning differences are capable of remarkable growth. 学院的综合教学方法, 社会情感发展, 独立生活能力, vocational readiness and 健康 provide the foundational components that promote whole student growth. 河景 exists to empower students to maximize their potential and prepare them for lives of purpose, 幸福和独立.



  • 每个学生都应该受到尊重、重视和赞美.

  • 家长是买足彩app平台不可或缺的一员. Open communication and strong partnerships between parents and the School are critical to student success.

  • 河景’s greatest asset is its dedicated and passionate staff who share a commitment to the School’s belief.


  • 学生 thrive in a culture where they feel safe and are inspired to try new things, 发展优势, 发现激情,唤醒才能.

  • 学生 experience the satisfaction of reaching high expectations when goals are individualized and continually reassessed.

  • Diversity enriches the 河景 community and prepares students as citizens of an increasingly diverse world.


  • Healthy relationships are a foundational component of success and happiness; therefore, 社交技能教学嵌入到编程的各个方面.

  • Current research-based methods best prepare our students to be productive citizens in a complex and changing world.

  • The synthesis of academic instruction and residential 程序ming reinforces skills and enhances learning. 连接指令, 浓缩的编程, community-based experiences provide authentic opportunities for students to practice and apply skills.

买足彩app平台's Commitment to Diversity, Equality, Inclusiveness and Accessibility (DEIA):

买足彩app平台 is a community that values and celebrates diversity as essential to the experience of our students, 员工及社区. 我们拥抱并尊重差异, 包括但不限于:种族, 社会经济地位, 性别, 性取向, 宗教, 年龄, 文化遗产, 教育背景, 当然还有学习方式. As a community that aspires to reflect and prepare our students for the increasingly diverse world, 河景支持和培养整个孩子和他们的完整身份.



买足彩app平台 成立于1957年 先生. 威廉Janse, a visionary educator who believed that students with learning challenges could 发掘他们的潜力. 他和他的搭档Mr. 伯吉斯巴特勒, opened a summer camp on a 5-acre tract that was later expanded into the present 23-acre campus. The camp was so successful that it evolved into a school established under its original name, Hopefields学校.

在60年代末, 河景 established a long-term relationship with the Learning Clinic at 麻萨诸塞州 General Hospital in Boston. Groundbreaking work in tailored academic 程序ming and 社会 skill building for individuals with disabilities was developed on 河景’s campus.

在接下来的几十年里, 程序s to facilitate 独立生活能力 for our students have included the initiation of a transition 程序 (for students 年龄s 17–21), 为外面的世界做好准备(成长). The 程序 formed an alliance with Cape Cod Community College to offer a college experience to students. 我们的音乐, 艺术, 跳舞, drama 程序ming has also been greatly expanded to demonstrate our commitment to developing the whole student.

今天, 我们为11到21岁的学生提供语言服务, learning 还有智力障碍 from across the country and across the globe as well as the Cape Cod community.


Explore our gorgeous campus below by taking a 360° 虚拟之旅 and using our 校园地图 OR join our 招生 Associate, 劳伦·斯宾塞, 就我个人而言 由导游带领参观买足彩app平台.
